Keep your gown beautiful for years to come!
We are proud to be a Wedding Gown Preservation Co. authorized retailer. For over one hundred years, Wedding Gown Preservation Company has been the trusted resource to turn your wedding gown into an “everlasting memory.” To save your wedding gown for years to come, wedding Gown Preservation Co. cleans, restores and preserves any wedding gown with their acid free packaging and delivers them beautifully packaged to keep for posterity.
Call us at 636-778-3433 or fill out our online kit request form to order your wedding preservation kit!
What Your Wedding Gown Preservation Kit Includes:
All materials for shipping your gown:
Sturdy shipping container
Air-tight bag
Prepaid order form for cleaning and preserving your Gown and up to 3 accessories*
Prepaid UPS shipping label
Stain stickers to point out areas needing special attention
Packing tape
Complete instructions
100 Year Anti-Yellowing Guarantee
* Additional charges for 4 or more accessories (order form included).